For Animation Inquiries

Reach out to us directly using the contact form provided on this page or send us an email at or give us a call at +1-212-710-5905.

We do not handle job/collaboration inquiries through these contacts.

Job/Collaboration Inquiries

If yo­u’r­e in­t­er­est­ed­ in wo­rk­in­g­ or co­ll­ab­or­at­in­g­ wi­th­ us­, we en­co­ur­ag­e­ yo­u to su­bm­it­ yo­ur ap­pl­ic­at­io­n­ vi­a th­e form­ or by em­ai­l­i­n­g­ us­ at Remember to include your reel/demo and a link to your portfolio or website.

Talent Recruitment

We’re always on the lookout for new talents, especially with illustrators, 2D/3D animators, storyboard or typography artists! Feel free to share your work with us and follow us on Linkedin or Behance.

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